#1. In this photo I see A man who looks like he's placing mats on the ground & the ground look like its wet & he's making a path for people too walk on so they don't have too walk on the wet ground.
#2. The colors I see in this photo is gold, black & white. The shapes I see is squares, triangles, & rectangles. And lastly, the lines I see are lines intersecting each other some lines are straight & others aren't.
#3. Rain
#4. This photo too me is the man life is probably reflecting off of everything & he's covering up his past with the pathway & he's creating a new path too follow too get a better & more positive future.
#5. The rule of 3rd's describes this photo because the Imaginary Grid the pathway he's creating is like a grid. And the grid is basically covering up the reflections & etc.
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