Monday, March 14, 2011

#1. I see a man who looks like he is grabbing the street & covering up the trees. It looks like he's making an open road that was closed.

#2. The colors I see are green, orange, lime green, blue, black & brown. The shapes I see are rectangles, squares, triangles, & circles. The lines I see are lines combined some going up & down & some lines going sideways.

#3. Weird

#4. This photo too me means maybe the man is trying too lead people into the correct path & show the them the right way too go. He's probably guiding people into the right direction & helping them figure out the right & wrong in life.

#5. The Actual & Implied lines is a good rule too express this photo because the street is going in a diagonal direct & the trees are all going in horizontal, & vertical directions.

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