Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Color Purple Symbolism #3

Number Two : The meanings this color convey is fear & scared.
Number Three : The color relates too the passage because in the passage Mr.___ beat Cellie & Cellie was afraid & scared.
Number Four : The photo relates too the passage because the passage tells how Mr.___ is asked by Harpo why does Mr.____ beat Cellie.
Number Five : "Harpo ast his daddy why he beat me. Mr. ___ say cause she my wife, plus she stubborn. All women good for he don't finish. "
Number Six : The photo shows fear & in the passage & the way Cellie feels & act towards Mr.___ it also shows fear.
Number Five :
Color Purple Symbolism #2

Number Two : The meaning the color convey is sadness, weakness & tired.
Number Three : Mr.___ in the passage they told how he was staring out into the field looking tired & wore out & sad about something.
Number Four : The photo relates too the passage because they say how he just staring not making any affects or moving when the flies buzz by him he's standing still like a statue just looking.
Number Five : "Everyday his daddy git up, sit on the porch, look out at nothing. Sometime look at the trees out front the house. Look at a butterfly if it light on the rail. Drink a little water in the day. A little wine in the evening. But mostly never move."
Number Six : The passage explains how Mr.___ is weak tired & sad looking & the photo is showing it.
Color Purple Symbolism #1

Number One : The color I used too focus on this photo is BLUE !
Number Two : The color conveys sadness & weakness.
Number Three : The color relates too this passage because of how Mr.____ son Harpo was sad & weak because his father was angry with him for no reason & he had too do all the work.
Number Four : The photo relates too this photo because the praying hands Harpo or Cellie is probably praying that a change will finally come & their treated equally instead of like slaves mostly Cellie.
Number Five : "Harpo complain about all the plowing he have too do. His daddy say, You gonna do it."
Number Six : The passage is showing how they wish Mr.___ would be nice & the photo is showing praying hands & they're probably praying Mr.___ finally be nice.
Daily Image May 24th 2O11

#1. I see a whole bunch of rocks & inside the rocks formed a lady who's laying they're holding one chest & have one of her arms behind her arm.
#2. The colors, I see are gray, black & green & white. The shapes I see are triangles & circles. The lines I see are horizontal & vertical lines.
#3. Rocks
#4. The mood gives an creative expressive kind of mood. It shows how people can turn the littlest & simplest things into something creative & very expressive & shows a part of them.
#5. The photograph too me doesnt have any meaning just showing her in a deep thought.
#6. The rule I chose was simplicity because it has a clear focus & shows a clear focus & simple of the "Lady On The Rocks."
Monday, May 16, 2011
Daily Image May 16 2O11

#1. It looks like it's a carnival & a ride or station caught on fire & burning up. And It looks like it's at a motel & I see an ambulance & people running & ducking from what looks like fireworks gone wrong.
#2. Blue, green, red, orange, white, pink, tan, black, green, & brown. Rectangles, squares, circles, & triangles. And as for lines I see straight, thick, skinny, long & short.
#3. Fire
#4. The mood this photo creates is a very scary & frightening mood because of how the fire is coming down & people are running from it scared.
#5. This photo doesn't affect me in any way & isn't showing any type of meaning too it except for people scared trying too save their lives.
#6. The actual & implied lines because how the lines of fire are formed & are layered into each other.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Daily Image O5.12.O11

#1. I see a man on a snowy hill who looks like he was going snowboarding. And it looks like its very high because the hill looks as if it's touching the sky & when you look underneath you don't see anything but fog.
#2. The colors I see are white, blue, gray & black. The shapes I see are squares, circles, & triangles. And the lines I see are short & long & thick & some are skinny.
#3. Snowy
#4. It gives a vague mood. Because its too me just another person going snowboarding it's an abnormal photo its simple & its too me just another photo.
#5. The photo too me is like i said before just another photo of a man going snowboarding. It can be interpreted as you have too go through obstacles in life too succeed maybe him on the long hill was an obstacle.
#6. Simplicity because its too me is a simple photo with a clear focus.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Daily Image O5.O6.O11

#1. I see very pretty spring trees that are beautifully bloomed & standing nice & strong.
#2. Orange, green, red, yellow & black. The shapes I see are circles, squares, triangles, & rectangles. I see squiggly lines, straight lines, & thick & skinny lines.
#3. Spring
#4. Its a very happy & bright mood. A mood that shows happiness, & exciteness.
#5. The photo is interperting too me that spring is coming.
#5. The photo used simplicity because the main idea & shown & the clear focus as well.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Daily Image 5.4.11

#1. I see a tree that looks old & the background is orange & pink & blue & it looks like the sun is setting. The setting looks like a junk yard feeled with cars.
#2. Blue, black, orange, pink & white. I see straight lines, curved lines, lines that intersect into eachother & line that form out of eachoher. Thes shapes I see are rectangles, circles, squares, & triangles.
#3. Destructive
#4. This picture didnt have ant effect or any mood on me it looks dull & normal too me it give an uninteresting & boring mood.
#5. This photo doesnt have a meaning too me what so ever.
#6. The rule of compostition in this photo is actual and implied lines because of the structure of the trees & the structure of the cars well, the destroyed cars.
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