Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ten Questions. O4.O5.2O11

Website ONE.*
#1.The writer in the article says that to him mood in a photograph tends toward relaxation and similar feelings that make the viewer want too walk right into the picture & sit there for a while.

#2. The most common element needed that can add mood too a photo is too incorporate into a photo is fog. A thick fog can add so much too a shot that when people look at the image, the know exactly what the experience was like when the photo was taken.

#3. Storm clouds add mood because the darker, more ominous and threatening the sky, the more drama and mood you'll have in the resulting images. The mood they add are dark, rainy & a dull kind of mood.

#4.The sounds of a babbling brook or a waterfall can draw people to sit & listen for long periods of time. Similarly, images of crashing waves, a peaceful stream, or a waterfall recall the peacefulness of water sounds & have similar effects.

#5. What creates a feelings in one person might not work that way in another. The same can be said when you ask multiple people what mood they feel when looking at a given photo. You might elicit as many different responses as the number of people you ask.

Website TWO.*
#1. Emotion in a photo, or any work of art is what helps the viewer connect with a piece if that emotion is prevalent in the viewer. Happiness, joy, sorrow, and despair are some emotions used.

#2. It should express too understand where you are and realize that will likely come through into your photography.

#3. The photo of a face will express if life is hard they wont smile & they face will tell the story of their hardship. If they are happy & young they will have a very happy smile.

#4. The mood of those around you will often become more apparent with this relaxed stance so its good too observe & sit your camera down too get your ideas & thoughts together.

#5. When taking a photo ask yourself, what emotion am I trying to convey ?

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