Tuesday, February 8, 2011

DailyImage February 8, 2011.*

#1.What I see is three little boys & it looks like they are playing outside underneath a highway/bridge & surrounded by the pole of the bridge, are rough looking stones & dead trees. And either the boys are walking & decided too climb the stones or are playing or etc.

#2. The colors I see are brown, green, white, blue, black, gray & yellowish color. The shapes I see are rectangles, circles, squares, & triangles. And lastly, the lines are see are straight, curved, sideways, some lines are thick & some skinny, & and many lines are cracked up looking.


#4.Too me the meaning of this photo is too show how many pictures don't have clear focuses. For example, if the focus in this photo is too show the kids playing, then this photo wasn't taken correct because its hard too even see the three boys & if i wouldn't of seen them I would've thought that the main focus point was the stones & the surroundings.

#5.This image uses the Rules Of Composition because the image provides, horizon lines in upper or lower third. The highway & tones are upper & the lines (majority) are going horizontal & if not horizontal then they're going straight.

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